The Sixpack Body Fat Calculator

Use the below tool to effectively guide you to a strong, smooth sixpack.
A few points to remember,

  • Women can carry a slightly higher fat percentage than men for a sixpack.
  • It isn’t just about body fat %. Train your abs to make them bigger and they will show at higher fat percentages.
  • There are 9 accepted methods to determine body fat % by measurement. You can select which method you prefer in the calculator below. We have included a quick summary of those methods to help you decide.

Body Fat % Needed for Sixpack Abs

Men 10-15%
Women 12-18%

Body Fat Measurement Techniques

YMCA Formula – You just need a scale and measuring tape to measure the waist. A good barometer but the least accurate.

Modified YMCA Formula – Again you just need a scale and measuring tape. The calculation is modified and will lean toward a heavier fat %. Some critics say this is the more accurate of the YMCA methods.

Covert Bailey Formula – Heavily used formula that requires a scale, measuring tape, and caliper. The Covert Bailey takes your age into account along with weight and measurements for waist, wrist, hips and forearm.

Jackson/Pollock 3/4/7 Caliper Formula – A widely used, accurate formula that requires a scale and caliper. The 3, 4, and 7 determine how many measurements you add to the formula. Of course the more measurements, the more accurate. For the Jackson/Pollock 3 you measure the chest, abdomen and thigh. Go all the way to 7 and you start measuring tricepts, Midaxallry, Subralliac, etc. What is all that? There’s a video below.

Parrillo Caliper Formula – An accurate method involving 9 skinfold measurements. A scale and caliper is required. The % is calculated by calf, abdomen, chest, thigh, bicept, tricept, subscapular, suprailiac, and lower back fat measurements.

Durnin/Womersley Calper Formula – Very common and relatively simple scaliper test. You will need to know your weight and four caliper measurements including; bicept, tricept, subscapular, and suprailiac.

Navy Tape Measure Formula – Considered an accurate method that does not use a caliper. All that is needed is a scale and measuring tape. You will be asked to enter your height, weight, neck size, and abdomen circumference.

Body Fat % Needed for Sixpack Abs

Men 10-15%
Women 12-18%

Sixpack Body Fat calculator
? Metric (kg/cm) or
Imperial (lb/inch)
? Select your genre

? Choose which formula to use for calculating body fat

? Enter your age
? Enter your weight
? Enter your height
? Waist size.
Tape measure
? Wrist size.
Tape measure
? Hips size.
Tape measure
? Calf size.
Tape measure
? Vertical fold, inside of leg on largest part of calf
Caliper required
? Forearm size.
Tape measure
? Relaxed neck circumference.
Tape Measure
? Vertical fold, one inch to the right of navel. Caliper required
? Circumference just above the navel. Tape measure
? Diagonal fold, midway between upper armpit and nipple.
Caliper required
? Thigh size.
Tape measure
? Vertical fold, midway between knee cap and top of thigh.
Caliper required
? Vertical fold, halfway between shoulder and elbow, directly on bicep.
Caliper required
? Vertical fold, midway between elbow and shoulder.
Caliper required
? Diagonal fold, directly below shoulder blade.
Caliper required
? Diagonal fold, directly above iliac crest.
Caliper required
? Horizontal fold, directly over the kidneys, and 2 inches to the right of spine.
Caliper required
? Vertical fold, inside of leg on largest part of calf.
Caliper required
? Horizontal fold, directly below armpit.
Caliper required

? Body Fat % based on input data
? Body Fat.
Body Fat % * Weight
? Lean Body Weight.
Weight – Body Fat
? Classification based on body fat %

Videos below show measuring techniques,

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